Agenda item

Hinckley & Bosworth Local Plan 2006-2026 Earl Shilton & Barwell Area Action Plan Development Plan Document - Pre Submission Document

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction).


(copies of the Area Action Plan are not appended to the paper copies of the agenda but are available on the Council’s website as part of the agenda documentation at


The Committee received a report which asked them to consider the pre-submission draft of the Earl Shilton & Barwell Area Action Plan, Strategic Transport Assessment and Viability Assessment. A Member expressed concern regarding the potential new supermarket which may impact on the existing centre and sought clarity as to the relationship of such a proposal with policy 14. Officers clarified that any proposals outside of the SUEs would not be assessed against Policy 14. It was


RESOLVED – the Area Action Plan pre-submission draft be RECOMMENDED to Council for approval.

Supporting documents: