Agenda item

Leader of the Council's Position Statement

Madam Mayor, Fellow Councillors, Officers, members of the public and media


It gives me great pleasure to make this statement tonight, as, in addition to the many positive items on the agenda, it gives me the opportunity to highlight what an exciting time it is for the Borough, its citizens and businesses.


Hinckley BID – Ballot for second term

First of all, we are in the middle of the ballot which will determine whether the Hinckley Business Improvement District (BID) will secure a further five year term. The first BID has achieved a great deal for the town, working with local businesses and with the Borough and County Councils. It is notable that vacancy rates and footfall have largely bucked the national trends, despite a very difficult economic and commercial period. As an example, the annual Christmas Lights ‘Switch On’, on 22 November, a joint venture between the Council and the BID, proved, yet again, to be an exciting and very well-attended event, with over 14,500 footfall counts recorded.  This Administration is fully supportive of the continuation of the BID and the votes of the Council have been cast in favour of a further five years.


Sporting Excellence

The Council has been active also on the sporting scene. In the last week, thanks to some hard work behind the scenes, four matches in the Women’s under 17’s European Football Championships have been held at our local football stadium … with great success.  The F.A. has commended this Council on its support to the events, which have secured great crowds.  In addition, with the support of our Cultural team, notably Graeme Chilvers, Colin Magee won the East Midlands ‘Unsung Hero’ accolade and will be competing against other regional winners for the national award to be announced at the BBC sports Personality of the Year event in mid December. This is the second year in succession that someone from Hinckley and Bosworth has won the regional award; testament to the rich vein of talent and sporting commitment in our area and to Graeme’s skills in identifying and showcasing that talent, I am sure that we all wish Colin success later this month.


Furthermore, on 28 November, the Borough Sports Awards event proved yet again to be very popular and very successful in showcasing the massive talent within the Borough. Thanks to Graeme and his colleagues for such a wonderful event!


Hinckley Hub – Official Opening

Last Friday, I was joined by Neil Couling from DWP and Cllr Peter Lewis from the County Council at an event formally opening the Hinckley Hub. Both Neil and Peter had nothing but praise for the building, its facilities and the potential now offered for greater integration and efficiency of the services we can offer to our public. Work on that integration of management and grass roots service integration has begun already and I am looking forward to that progressing further over the next few months.


Effective Partnership

As further evidence of our effective partnership working, Cllr Keith Lynch, our representative on the Revenues and Benefits Joint Committee, was very pleased to tell me that the consolidated performance of our partnership with Harborough and North West Leicestershire Councils is showing steady improvement in all aspects, with performance now at its highest level. Again, this is a considerable achievement, given the pressures faced by families and services over the last few years. Members should be pleased that this partnership is ensuring that more people than ever are in receipt of the benefits to which they are entitled (whilst those not so entitled are effectively identified), more swiftly and more effectively than before. In addition, our collection rates are holding up, against most expectations.


Discussions at the Executive

In the last fortnight, the Executive agreed to recommend to this meeting an 88% ‘cap’ on Council Tax Support.  With the majority of other councils in the county looking to set their cap at 85% or less, this Council will be giving those who need it the maximum support we can in the financial circumstances. The Executive considered also the finalisation of negotiations on the two City Deals in which we continue to be engaged: Coventry/Warwickshire and Leicester/Leicestershire. Final Government ‘sign off’ is expected very soon on both ‘Deals’. I think that to have been continuously engaged so actively and positively in both ‘Deals’ as they have been developed is testament to our commitment to get the best for our communities and to the positive perception others have of this Council as a constructive partner in the wider world of economic development.


MIRA Technology Park – New Partner

On that very point, I was pleased last Thursday to be joined by Secretary of State, Eric Pickles, in the unveiling of a new sign to mark the growth of the MIRA Technology Park, enhanced by the announcement at the same event of the decision by Haldex Research and Development (a £400m Swedish company) to relocate from Germany to the MIRA Technology Park. There are now some 30 companies operating within the Park and I know that more will follow. Dr George Gillespie, the MIRA CEO, was fulsome in his praise (in front of Mr Pickles) for the way in which this Council has supported MIRA in its endeavours on this site in a speedy and expeditious manner, almost unique in his experience.  MIRA has also recently been successful in securing £7.4m Local Infrastructure Fund investment by the Government for on-site roads and, with the support of the LLEP and Council, has submitted an exciting bid for a new Training Academy on site which could see NWHC and Leicester University occupy this facility.  Can I thank Bill Cullen and his Planning team for their continuing efforts on this world class development.


Presentation to APPG

To highlight our work on regeneration and skills development, the Council was invited to give a presentation on 26 November to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Local Enterprise Partnerships and Local Growth at Portcullis House. To emphasise our partnership credentials, Bill Cullen was joined in the presentation by Terry Spall (MIRA) and Mike Motley (North Warwickshire and Hinckley College). I am told that the presentation was very well received, as was our contribution to the work of the APPG, recognised also in its recent publication ‘Rising to the Challenge: how LEPs can deliver Local Growth Strategies’.  Positive acknowledgement was given to the partnership working with both Leicester and Leicestershire and Coventry and Warwickshire LEPs.


Local Democracy Week

On 15 October, the Council held a half day event for local schoolchildren and their teachers, as part of Local Democracy Week. Some 25 children and their teachers participated in this highly interactive event, led by Cllr Mathew Hulbert and Rebecca Ball. The feedback from both children and teachers was very positive and we intend to repeat the event next year. Can I thank Rebecca and Mathew for their time and leadership in the development and delivery of such a successful event.



Hiring of Hub Facilities

The following day, the De Montfort Suite in which we now sit was hired for its first external event – on Business Growth. Not only was this event well-attended, the comments received about our new facilities were all very positive. This bodes well!


Delegation from Shanghai

On 12 November, we hosted a session with a delegation from Shanghai, who were visiting this country to learn about our economic regeneration. The Mayor, Cllr Bill and I were privileged to lead an interactive session, supported by Bill Cullen and Steve Atkinson, which was followed by a tour of our regeneration sites. Yet again, we received very complimentary feedback and it was heartening to know that our efforts are now gaining international recognition. It served to remind me also if how much has been achieved over the last seven years by this Council and our partners; well beyond what was expected and planned and in circumstances not propitious for such successful developments.


Planning Issues

At a previous Council a commitment was given that we would engage a Highways Consultant to provide bespoke advice on relevant matters in relation to Planning Applications, so that Planning Committee could have greater reassurance in making robust responses to applications. That commitment has been followed through and a Consultant has been engaged. We hope that he will be starting with us no later than the beginning of January 2014.


Can I take the opportunity also to express my sympathies to Ernie White, Leader at Blaby District Council, in respect of the difficulties his Council is now experiencing with developers and the ‘special measures’ into which his Council has been placed to address the speed of making Planning decisions. I take no political pleasure from the plight of Blaby, as I know it could happen to many of us in the current climate, which is weighted almost solely in the favour of development and against the wishes of local people. I am sure that all members will share this view.


Council Finances

Finally, Madam Mayor, I can advise Members that the finances of the Council remain very sound. Yet again, we anticipate that we will operate within our means for this year and plans are well-advanced not only for 2014/15, as you will see in our budget proposals in due course, but also for the very difficult year of 2015/16. I have asked our officers to prepare our budgets on two foundations: no service reductions and no enforced job losses. I am reliably informed that both these requirements will be met in the next two years; a commitment which you will all know can not be met by many other Councils across the country. This is a tremendous achievement again, for which I thank Sanjiv Kohli, Katherine Plummer and the Finance team. Members will be pleased to know that Sanjiv is recovering well from his latest operation and is back working full time, although not yet able to physically travel to work. I am sure we all look forward to his full recovery.


Having earlier today participated in a meeting of District Leaders in the county, I am aware that the very real pressures faced by Leicestershire County Council could add to the pressures already faced by Districts, including this one, if we are to ensure service continuity to our citizens for the medium term. Full details are yet to emerge, but this Council will do everything we reasonably can to maintain support to our most vulnerable citizens over the4 next few years.


Madam Mayor, I commend this Statement to the Council.


In presenting his position statement, the Leader of the Council emphasised the exciting time for the Borough of Hinckley and Bosworth. He referred to footfall in Hinckley bucking the national trend, the official opening of the Hub, the Local Democracy Week event, the high performance of the Revenues & Benefits Partnership, the appointment of a highways consultant and he paid tribute to Colin McGee who had won the East Midlands Unsung Hero award and would go forward to the finals at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year event. Cllr Bray also expressed the concerns, which were shared by the rest of the Council, about the planning system and the recent situation in Blaby District Council where applications could be determined by the Secretary of State due to that Council not having met its targets.