Agenda item

24/00127/FUL - 314A Station Road, Bagworth

Application for erection of four dwellings, alterations to existing dwelling and widening of access.


Late items received after publication of main agenda:



The below comments have been received from Nicholas Williams, Architect and Application Agent;


“The comments below support the planning application to be considered at committee on the 27th August 2024. We respectfully request that the application be approved by members.


This application is a follow up from 22/00733/FUL which was refused at Committee.


This application was dismissed at appeal, ( APP/K2420/W/3319934) however the inspector clearly stated only one issue; the larger HMO property position and design not being in line with the local context was the reason for the dismissal. All other issues were acceptable.


This new application addresses the issues raised by the Inspector, replacing the HMO with a 3 bed detached property similar to the other proposed dwellings and surrounding properties, and is sited further from the boundaries. There are no overlooking / loss of privacy issues or loss of outlook from existing properties.


I would reiterate that:

·                officers have recommended this application for approval.

·                scheme is compliant with NPPF as a sustainable scheme, within the Bagworth settlement boundary and as such in NPPF terms is considered a “presumed approval”


The scheme though small provides housing required to fulfil new homes targets. I note that the authority currently has invitations out to land owners requesting them to bring forward sites, to fulfil new build housing targets, further demonstrating that need.


With respect to objections made through the application process by members of the public, I wish to set out the following points in response:


1.)           Works to the existing bungalow Refurbishment works to the existing 314a that were completed do not require planning consent. All works completed were completed under permitted development rights or were internal refurbishment. The bungalow has to be included in the application area as it currently occupies the whole planning unit (the site). Works are not being applied for retrospectively as it is not necessary to do so.


2.)           Highways Issues: LCC Highways have had 3 opportunities to look at this scheme. (pre-application and 2 application processes) They are satisfied with the proposals. There will be detailed conditions on any approval to assess the details of the implementation.


2a.)  Driveway The driveway was widened for a short length on a temporary basis to facilitate the refurbishment works done to 314a. As previously stated, if the development was not to proceed this would be put back to its previous state by the applicant. The proposed driveway width has been achieved to satisfy LCC Highways requirements as well as the vision splays and onto Station Road. These are likely to be subject to technical detailed design done at condition stage. in fact pedestrian visibility at this point is excellent. The new driveway is suitable for fire tender access, delivery vehicles and private rubbish collection.


2b.)   Parking The parking provision for the scheme is in excess of requirements and provides 2 visitor spaces. As such there will be no impact on the parking situation on Station Road.


Development Density The scheme is less dense than the surrounding properties, however these existing properties have gardens of between 35 and 50metres in length and as such are wholly unrealistic for development in today’s terms. Similar new build family properties recently developed on the opposite side of Station Road are at a far higher density than this proposed development.”


Application for erection of four dwellings, alterations to existing dwelling and widening of access.


The agent and a ward councillor spoke on this application.


It was moved by Councillor S Gibbens, seconded by Councillor Webber-Jones and unanimously


RESOLVED – the delegated decision to approve planning permission subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report be confirmed.

Supporting documents: