“Welcome to this last meeting of Council before Christmas.
You will note we have five key items of business on the agenda tonight. The first relates to recommendations of the Licensing Committee regarding our requirements under the Gambling Act 2005. The second regards renewing a lease for an existing popular short stay car park in the town centre. I’m please we also have the annual report of the Scrutiny Commission, which highlights the incredibly good work of the Commission.
In addition, we have a report and recommendations of the Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee, followed by a report to be considered in private session on the Council depot.
I have included a few key updates below.
Members will recall from my last Leader’s Statement that we are awaiting a new government white paper on devolution. This is expected imminently and is something I will be discussing later in December with my district Leader and Chief Executive colleagues. I have advised officers that I would like the Scrutiny Commission and Council to formally consider the draft response to the long-awaited devolution framework for England.
I would like to clarify a matter that has recently hit the headlines in the Municipal Journal which suggested that ministers were poised to scrap districts. We understand that the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) in response to an approach by the Time newspaper has confirmed “this is not true… districts play a crucial role and there are no plans to scrap them”.
This is welcome news. We know councils like ours are so much closer to our communities and businesses who identify with our place and the services we provide. We know we are well placed and have the powers to promote economic development, deliver much needed new housing for our communities and support our town centres and high streets. We are the most trusted part of local government and are effective at delivering services in the right places for our communities.
Whilst I welcome the opportunity of more powers and resources being devolved nationally, this should not be at the expense of seeing local government boundaries and structure changing in areas where there is little support and lack of key evidence over the benefits versus impact on our communities.
As I said at the last Council meeting, it is the government’s express desire for every area of the country to have devolution deals with the opportunity for new powers and resources linked to the government’s ambition for economic growth. It is therefore vitally important that we are at the table locally and nationally in those discussions to ensure we secure the best deal for our local communities. I will update members on the outcome of my discussions following my meeting with leaders in December.
National insurance changes
At her recent budget, the Chancellor made a number of changes to employer national insurance contributions. Officers tell me that this will impact on our budget in the region of £300,000 which we will need to find by making savings or increasing taxes. I have Raised with both the District Councils Network and the Local Government Association about the potential impact this will have on local government and specifically Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council. I have asked that both organisations lobby the government to mitigate these changes, as if they don’t, this will add even more pressure to our financial situation.
Success in tackling shop lifting in Hinckley town centre
I’m pleased to report that our work with the local police and Hinckley BID, together with other local partners and businesses, is having a positive impact on tackling crime in Hinckley town centre.
The use of retail radios, the DISC system (which allows timely sharing of information between police, our CCTV team and businesses), town centre policing and our CCTV system working closely with businesses, has yielded excellent results with arrests and property recovered.
We know this is a busy shopping period leading up to Christmas and we will continue to work closely with partners to ensure residents and visitors have the best and safest experience when visiting the town.
Remembrance Sunday
I recently attended the annual Remembrance Sunday service in Hinckley, led by the vicar of St Mary’s Church, Reverend Ian Hill, held at the Argents Mead war memorial. Clergy and church members of different denominations, as well as the Royal British Legion and veteran groups, civic leader, representatives of the Guides, scouting and cadet organisations all contributed to the moving service and to the parade.
A big thank you to the Mayor, his consorts, local members and residents who came to give their respect to honour the fallen in the first and second world wards and subsequent conflicts. Also, to provide my thanks to all who supported remembrance events across the borough and particularly to our staff who helped support the events.
Spearheading campaigns to reduce litter on the A5
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff in Street Scene Services and my colleague Councillor Lynda Hodgkins for their work in coordinating a campaign with councils across the region, supported by National Highways, to reduce littering along the A5.
This was recognised by partners and members at last week’s A5 Partnership meeting, hosted by Rugby Borough Council. This is a great credit to our managers and staff within Street Scene Services who do a fantastic job in keeping our streets and public spaces clean.
Hinckley parks – finest in the UK
I’m delighted to report that Hollycroft Park users across the country have voted Hinckley’s Hollycroft Park as one of the most impressive green spaces in the 2024 People’s Choice Awards – a top ten park in the country.
I have previously reported that both Hollycroft Park and Argents Mead were awarded the much-coveted Green Flag award for 2024 – a prestigious accolade that is only awarded to the very best parks and green spaces in the country.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to our green spaces team and our dedicated “Friends of Hollycroft” volunteers.
National planning awards
Staying on the theme of awards, I reported earlier this year of the great success of our planning team for winning the ‘Planning Team of the Year’ in the East Midlands Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) regional awards.
Tonight, our planning team led by Sharon Stacey, our Director of Communities and Environment, and Chris Brown, our Head of Planning, are attending the national RTPI awards ceremony in London as finalists in the category of ‘best planning team of the year’. I hope you will all join me in wishing the team every success in securing the award. This gives recognition to the incredible work they have done in turning around the performance of the service.
Business networking event
We recently facilitated a major business networking event hosted at MIRA Technology Institute. Speakers included Bill Cullen, our Chief Executive, Phoebe Davison, the CEO of the new Leicestershire Business and Skills Partnership, Marion Plant, CEO and Principal of North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College and representatives of MIRA Department of International Trade and Federation of Small Businesses. The event was attended by over 70 key local businesses from across the borough and the feedback has been extremely positive.
We plan to do further events going forward into the new year.
Making a Difference Awards
Earlier this month we convened our annual Making a Difference Awards at Hinckley Rugby Club. These awards, sponsored by the Borough Council, recognise and celebrate the contribution that volunteers make in strengthening the communities and improving the quality of life of residents.
In this 50th anniversary year of the Council, it was fantastic to see the incredible achievements of those who have volunteered for over 50 years, together with those who are just starting out on their volunteering journey.
I would like to express my thanks to my colleague Councillor Michael Mullaney for supporting and compering the event and our staff for organising and ensuring the event was a success – also a big thank you to Hinckley Rugby Club for hosting us.
Our Let’s Get Moving Awards 2024
Working with our partners, Hinckley & Bosworth’s Local Sport and Health Alliance (LSHA) are about to launch its nominations process for the Active Awards 2024 to recognise all the hard work individuals, sports clubs, volunteers, organisations and schools have undertaken to help others keep active and healthy.
This is a great opportunity to thank someone, or a sports club, organisation or school for their support and to recognise and celebrate their hard work this year.
Details of how to nominate will be published in our forthcoming edition of the Borough Bulletin and on our website. The closing date for nominations will be Tuesday, 31 December 2024. Those nominated will be invited to an awards ceremony to be held at Hinckley Rugby Club on Thursday, 30 January 2025.
Christmas events
I was delighted to attend this year’s Christmas lights switch-on in Hinckley town centre on Friday night, which was enjoyed by thousands of residents. Thank you to our Mayor, his consorts and cadets and our special guest start Bethany Asher, star of the BBC One drama Sherwood, and also to Fosse 107 who compered the event.
Our Christmas light spectacular in Argents Mead was a new addition this year, which proved really popular. Residents and visitors can look forward to enjoying the following over the festive period:
· Festive music on 7, 14 and 21 December in Argents Mead
· Hinckley Market at Christmas on Friday 20, Saturday 21 and Monday 23 December, plus Friday 27, Saturday 28 and Monday 30 December
· Carols Around the Tree on Friday, 13 December at 4.15pm to 5.00pm
· Festive Feast and Craft market on Sunday, 10 December 10.00am to 4.00pm
· Christmas lights car trail on 8 December 6.0pm to 8.00pm
· Hinckley BID’s festive fund on 21 December, featuring Santa’s Grotto at the Birdie Bunker and festive live music at the Britannia Centre, including a performance by students and staff from the Hinckley campus of North Warwickshire & South Leicestershire College.
Also, look out on our website for the various parish events taking place across the Borough including the Market Bosworth Christmas lights switch-on on Sunday, 1 December at 2.00pm to 8.00pm (lights switched on at 5.00pm).
Free Christmas car parking
I’m pleased to confirm that Christmas shopping in Hinckley will be given a boost. Once again, we are offering free car parking in a range of town centre car parks on Saturdays in the run up to Christmas. This will commence from Saturday, 30 November.
I would like to urge our residents to support their local high streets, markets and hospitality venues if they can.
In his position statement, the Leader referred to:
· Devolution
· National Insurance changes
· Success in tackling shop lifting in Hinckley town centre
· Remembrance Sunday
· The campaign to reduce litter on the A5
· Hollycroft Park having been voted in the top ten park’s in the country
· National planning awards
· Business networking event
· Making a Difference awards
· Let’s Get Moving awards
· Christmas events
· Free Christmas car parking.