Agenda item

Financial reports


Items 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 on the agenda were discussed together due to being interlinked, but votes were taken separately under each item. During discussion on the finance-related reports, the following points were raised or comments made:


  • The Finance team were thanked again for their hard work on the budget and putting reports together and managers were thanked for finding and implementing savings;
  • The reason for postage savings at the hub being due to centralisation and the recharging of partners;
  • In response to a question about the availability of help towards local plan costs, it was reported that the District Councils’ Network was making representations on this;
  • Support was expressed for the continuation of part of the New Homes Bonus being devolved to parishes and it was acknowledged that HBBC was the only authority in the county to do so;
  • The markets income took into account both Hinckley & Atherstone markets and, whilst there had been a reduction in income, savings had been made by re-arranging the erection and dismantling of stalls;
  • In response to concern raised about costs resulting from delays in the opening of the leisure centre, members were assured that this was covered in the contract and would not impact on the Council;
  • The reduction in car parks income due to the closure of Brunel Road North & South and the Bus Station car parks had been included in the budget;
  • The overall surplus in car parking due to Leicestershire County Council staff purchasing permits was noted;
  • Local authorities were being encouraged to borrow money to regenerate the economy, which explained the increased borrowing activity of the council;
  • HBBC was one of the first authorities in the area to pay a living wage;
  • The review of the Schedule of Rates for housing repairs had been concluded and a work plan was being devised to implement revised charges”;
  • There would be a saving on the estimated cost of demolition of the former council offices;
  • In response to a request for the issue of recharging tenants for services provided through Supporting People funding to come to Council it was reported that the setting of fees and charges was an Executive decision;
  • The Disabled Facilities Grant budget had been reduced due to having jointly procured a new provider which resulted in lower costs and also the number of major works requested had reduced. It was noted that there was no longer a large waiting list for works;
  • There was no statutory requirement to hold a set level of reserves but this authority maintained minimum levels of 10% of the net budget requirement in balances;
  • It was suggested that flexibility be built into the Parish & Community Initiative Fund as smaller parishes may not need to apply for funding for several years, yet need a larger amount every few years.


The Executive member presenting the item suggested again that in future detailed questions on items within the report be passed to him before the meeting to enable him to provide the answers at the meeting.


Councillor Ladkin left the meeting during the item before the votes were taken.