Agenda item

Review & alignment of existing policies / guidelines for the revenues & benefits service

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction). The information contained within the appendices, which are available on the council’s website, is summarised in the report, but you may wish to view them online for more detailed background information.


Updated policies and guidelines for the Revenues and Benefits partnership were presented to the Executive. It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Crooks and


RESOLVED – the following revised policies be approved:


(i)         Discretionary Housing Payment guidelines;


(ii)        Housing benefit and Council Tax Support Verification Policy;


(iii)       Local Housing Allowance Safeguarding Policy;


(iv)       Non Domestic Rate Hardship Relief Policy;


(v)        Non Domestic Rate Discretionary Relief guidelines;


(vi)       Recovery Policy;


(vii)      Sanctions and Prosecutions Policy.

Supporting documents: