Application for change of use from cinema (sui generis) to 40 one-bedroom apartments (use class C3) with associated car parking and landscaping.
This item was deferred at a previous meeting and therefore no public speaking will be permitted in accordance with the council’s constitution.
Late items received after publication of the agenda:
A further objection has been received from a member of the public who has previously objected to the development. The new objection letter reiterates the lack of parking facilities in the vicinity of the application site, and that the amount of on-street parking is causing harm to the Hollycroft Conservation Area.
The objection also highlighted that there is a vacant piece of land near Druid Street that could be utilised for additional parking, but the details of which, nor who owns the land, have not been provided.
Local Highway Authority
The Local Highway Authority reiterated on 21 January 2025 that, in its view, the impacts of the development on highway safety would not be unacceptable, and when considered cumulatively with other developments, the impacts on the road network would not be severe. Based on the submitted details, the Local Highway Authority did not consider the proposal to conflict with Paragraph 116 of the National Planning Policy Network (2024), subject to four planning conditions and two planning obligations.
The Local Highway Authority have advised that whilst the revised Leicestershire Highway Design Guide recommends that off-street vehicle parking is provided on the basis of two spaces for each Use Class C3 units, this guidance does not account for site specifics or the specific natures of the proposal.
Given the above, it remains the Local Highway Authority’s view that the proposed development would not result in hazardous on-street parking in the vicinity, and that an unacceptable impact on highway safety could not be demonstrated in the context of Paragraph 116 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2024).
Car Parking Permits
The Local Planning Authority has discussed the application with the Council’s Street Scene Services Department in relation to the provision of further off-street parking spaces. It was confirmed that residential permits cannot be sought for the Lower Bond Street Car Park.
However, the Street Scene Services Department confirmed that additional off-site and off-street parking could be provided through Residential Parking Permits (RPS) and Long-Term Parking Season Permits (LTPSP) being secured via a Section 106 Agreement.
Residential Parking Permit (RPS)
The Council’s Street Scene Services Department confirmed that ten permits for designated resident parking spaces can be provided per street for their closest respective car park. In this instance, only resident of Trinity Lane has a RPS and therefore the Council can provide up to nine RPSs for the Old Vicarage Car Park for an annual fee of £55. However, the future residents can only apply for an RPS once they are living in the proposed development.
Long-Term Parking Season Permit (LTPSP)
The Council’s Street Scene Services Department confirmed that up to 20 Long-Term Parking Season Permits (LTPSP) could also be provided at an annual cost of £375. This would allow future residents to utilise any of the existing long-term car parks in Hinckley at any time, with the exception of Castle Street Car Park. However, LTPSP’s do not guarantee the future residents of the scheme a parking space.
Section 106 Suggested Wording
The Applicant has agreed to either initially purchase up to 28 car parking permits or provide bus passes and travel packs. This will need to be secured via a S106 agreement and the Local Planning Authority consider it reasonable for any future resident to have to contribute to the cost of their requested permit if needed. The exact wording of this obligation is to be agreed by the Head of Planning.
Supporting documents: