Agenda item


To deal with questions under Council Procedure Rule number 11.1:


a)         Question from Councillor PR Batty to the Executive Member for Planning:


“Bearing in mind the current traffic chaos in the vicinity of the Hinckley Hub, particularly at peak times that appears to have been exacerbated by the change in road layout and installation of traffic lights at the Rugby Road junction, can the Executive member provide any reassurance that this situation will not continue to get even worse with the start of the construction phase of the Bus Station redevelopment together with the recently announced proposals for a retail park on Hawley Road between Tesco and Lidl. How will all this construction traffic be effectively managed without adding to the gridlock that is regularly being experienced by the people of Hinckley.


Can the Executive member please confirm whether or not there is a current finalised traffic management/circulation plan in place for this part of the town that would properly address the impact of the Bus Station development should it confound predictions and become the resounding success promised by his administration and if there is a detailed plan in place what would be the likely impact on that plan by the proposed retail park on Hawley Road, for example the significant likely increase in large delivery vehicles coming along Rugby Road from the M69 and under the railway bridge.”


Response from Councillor SL Bray:


“Cllr Batty is an experienced Councillor, he well knows that all highways matters are the responsibility of Leicestershire County Council.”



b)         Question from Councillor C Ladkin to the Executive Member for Finance:


            “Can the Executive member please confirm the  Council’s total spend for 2013 – 2014 on consultants and all forms of external advice and what the total projected spend is currently for this financial year.”


            Response from Councillor KWP Lynch:


In 13/14, the Council spent £104,000 on Consultants. This amount £45,000 which was the cost of the Council’s appointed self employed Regeneration Officer who was shared with

Oadby and Wigston Borough Council. The projected spend for this year is £100,000.



c)         Question from Councillor RG Allen to the Executive Member for Leisure:


“A fixed price of £13.55m had been contracted for the new leisure centre but then the footprint of the proposed building was reduced by some 6% (the Council’s figures), surely as there would have been a significant reduction in foundation, roof and some elevation costs, can the Executive member please explain why savings could not be found to fund the improvement to competition standard of the main swimming pool as requested by Hinckley Swimming Club.”


Response from Councillor DS Cope:


            “The answer to this question was essentially provided at the meeting of Council on 8 April, albeit it in response to a different question. The Leisure Centre will be the subject of the Extraordinary meeting of Council on 29 July, where you will have the opportunity to put such questions.”


The following questions and answers were presented to the meeting:


a)         Question from Councillor PR Batty to the Executive Member for Planning:


“Bearing in mind the current traffic chaos in the vicinity of the Hinckley Hub, particularly at peak times that appears to have been exacerbated by the change in road layout and installation of traffic lights at the Rugby Road junction, can the Executive member provide any reassurance that this situation will not continue to get even worse with the start of the construction phase of the Bus Station redevelopment together with the recently announced proposals for a retail park on Hawley Road between Tesco and Lidl. How will all this construction traffic be effectively managed without adding to the gridlock that is regularly being experienced by the people of Hinckley.


Can the Executive member please confirm whether or not there is a current finalised traffic management/circulation plan in place for this part of the town that would properly address the impact of the Bus Station development should it confound predictions and become the resounding success promised by his administration and if there is a detailed plan in place what would be the likely impact on that plan by the proposed retail park on Hawley Road, for example the significant likely increase in large delivery vehicles coming along Rugby Road from the M69 and under the railway bridge.”


Response from Councillor SL Bray:


“Cllr Batty is an experienced Councillor, he well knows that all highways matters are the responsibility of Leicestershire County Council.”


By way of supplementary question, Councillor Batty asked if HBBC had had any involvement in discussions, if they were aware whether a traffic plan was in place, and whether the County Council had invited any input into their plans. In response the Leader reminded members that a traffic plan had been a requirement of the permission for the Crescent development and had now been completed, and that the County Council’s LTP3 was focussed around growth in Hinckley so would be looking closely at the developments within and around the town.


b)         Question from Councillor C Ladkin to the Executive Member for Finance:


            “Can the Executive member please confirm the  Council’s total spend for 2013 – 2014 on consultants and all forms of external advice and what the total projected spend is currently for this financial year.”


            Response from Councillor KWP Lynch:


In 13/14, the Council spent £104,000 on Consultants. This amount £45,000 which was the cost of the Council’s appointed self employed Regeneration Officer who was shared with Oadby and Wigston Borough Council. The projected spend for this year is £100,000.


c)         Question from Councillor RG Allen to the Executive Member for Leisure:


“A fixed price of £13.55m had been contracted for the new leisure centre but then the footprint of the proposed building was reduced by some 6% (the Council’s figures), surely as there would have been a significant reduction in foundation, roof and some elevation costs, can the Executive member please explain why savings could not be found to fund the improvement to competition standard of the main swimming pool as requested by Hinckley Swimming Club.”


Response from Councillor DS Cope:


            “The answer to this question was essentially provided at the meeting of Council on 8 April, albeit it in response to a different question. The Leisure Centre will be the subject of the Extraordinary meeting of Council on 29 July, where you will have the opportunity to put such questions.”


            In response to a supplementary question regarding the exact savings and on what it would be spent, the Executive Member repeated the intention to hold an Extraordinary Council meeting, and also said there would be an Extraordinary Scrutiny Commission which had now been agreed for 17 July.