Agenda item

Leader of the Council's Position Statement


Mr Mayor, Fellow Councillors, Members of the Public, Officers and Media Representatives


We have a long agenda tonight, with much to debate and approve which is positive for the people who live and work in our Borough. So, I shall be as brief as possible; although I do need to recognise the many other positive activities which will not be mentioned otherwise tonight.


First of all, despite the doubts and negative comments from the opposition Leader and his group, work to develop the new Crescent on the bus station site did begin on 2 June this

year, as promised, and has since moved on at a tremendous pace. Even people who do not live or work in Hinckley have expressed pleasant surprise at the speed of the demolition process!  We are well on the way to delivering something for which the town has waited for over twenty years!  Councillor Batty has made further brazen attempts to prevent this from happening and ending the Squash Club in Hinckley.  We will deal with that later on; but I am sure the public will see it for what it is!


For those who aren't aware already, I am very pleased to announce that the Council was placed a very close second, receiving a 'highly commended' award, at the recent MJ National Awards, in the category of Innovation in Finance. Members of the Scrutiny Commission have received recently a very brief presentation, summarising our submission, showing how our strategy to combine regeneration with sound financial management and planning for the future has proved very successful over the last ten or so years. To have secured this accolade in the face of stiff competition from much larger county and unitary authorities is a real feather in our corporate cap.  Congratulations to Sanjiv and his team. This comes on the back of the national award for our Endeavour initiative, which I announced in April, showing that the Council is maintaining a very positive national profile!


At the meeting of the Executive last week, we recognised and endorsed three very positive initiatives:


  *         The dedication of part of Queen's Park in Hinckley as a 'Centenary Field' in commemoration of those from this area who gave their lives in the Great War. This choice is particularly fitting, as many of those who died will have walked in this very Park in the years before and during that war. It is fitting also that I can announce

            this on the 98th anniversary of the first day of the battle of the Somme in 1916!


  *         The Environmental Health Commercial Services Enforcement Service Delivery Plan 2014/15.  Members of the Executive acknowledged that this is very much an 'unsung service', but one on which so many people in the area are dependent - but don't realise it. The report covered:  intervention rates, food sampling, food hygiene, health and safety campaigns and food surveillance, as well as a focus on Legionella, residential care homes and tyre and exhaust fitting.  I urge Members to give it a read, to see the many areas covered and the great service we provide.  Can I thank Rob Parkinson, Steve Merry and their colleagues for what they do.




  *         Hinckley and Bosworth Voluntary and Community Sector Arrangements.  As we all know, the services of the voluntary sector are increasingly vital to the well-being of local communities across the country. This Borough, through the hard work and commitment of Edwina Grant, along with Member colleagues from the Executive, has secured an excellent partnership arrangement with the voluntary sector operators, to ensure that its collective resources, supported by the Council, can be used to maximum effect. Amongst many other things, this year the sector aims to reduce social isolation, so very prevalent in both rural and urban communities nowadays. I have every confidence in the future of this important sector of provision and support and thank Edwina for her work to this end.



           And one final item – literally hot off the press this afternoon: Schools in Hinckley and Bosworth have once again done the Borough proud by becoming Schools Games Champions – winning 5 Gold, 14 Silver and 8 Bronze medals in PE and Schools Sport. This is a fantastic team effort and a great reward for their collective commitment. I am sure that all Members will join me in offering our congratulations to them.


My Mayor, I commend this very positive Statement to the Council.


In his position statement, the Leader referred to the commencement of work on the bus station site, the ‘highly commended’ award at the MJ Awards in the category of ‘Innovation in Finance’, decisions of the Executive taken the previous week, and the success of schools in the Borough in the Schools Games championships.