Agenda item

Town & Country Planning Act 1990 - applications to be determined

Schedule of planning applications attached.


The Chief Planning & Development Officer presented a schedule of applications along with late items.


(a)        14/00512/FUL – Change of use, Stretton House, Watling Street – Sachkhand Nanak Dham


            It was noted that this had been withdrawn from the agenda.


(b)        14/00475/OUT – Residential development (outline – access only), Land off Dorchester Road, Sherborne Road and Illminster Close, Burbage – Mr Terry McGreal


            Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that the application be approved, Councillor Hall felt that the landscape should be protected, preserved and enhanced and moved that the application be refused due to being in conflict with Policy 4 of the Core Strategy, contrary to Policy NE5 and not in accordance with the Burbage Village Design Statement and the environmental aspect of sustainability as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. The motion was seconded by Councillor Moore and upon being put to the vote the was CARRIED and it was therefore


RESOLVED – the application be refused due to the landscape impact of the proposal being contrary to Policy 4 and Policy NE5 of the Hinckley & Bosworth Core Strategy 2009, the Burbage Village Design Statement, and conflicting with the environmental aspect of sustainability as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.


(c)        14/00108/OUT – Residential development (outline – access only), Land south of Markfield Road, RatbyCawrey Limited


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that the application be approved, during discussion concerns were raised regarding insufficient space in schools to sustain the new development, the pressure of pupils having to travel to more distant schools would exacerbate traffic problems, it would cause visual harm to the landscape, it would be unsustainable, and would significantly exceed the housing requirement for Ratby and the spatial distribution of growth as set out in Policy 8 of the Hinckley and Bosworth Core Strategy 2009. This would harm the social dimension of sustainable development as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework by adversely impacting local infrastructure and facilities. It was moved by Councillor O’Shea and seconded by Councillor Boothby that the application be refused, and upon being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – the application be refused on grounds of landscape harm, significantly exceeding the housing requirement for Ratby and the spatial distribution of growth as set out in Policy 8 of the Hinckley and Bosworth Core Strategy 2009 and harming the social dimension of sustainable development as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework by adversely impacting local infrastructure and facilities.


(d)        14/00596/OUT – Demolition of existing farmhouse, stables and outbuildings for the erection of up to 64 dwellings (outline – access only), Garden Farm, Bagworth Road, Barlestone – Mr Keith Baxter


Members expressed concern regarding the position of the proposed access to the site and the potential impact upon the amenity of elderly residents and highway safety. It was moved by Councillor Crooks and seconded by Councillor Taylor that the application be deferred to give the opportunity for discussions with the applicant to explore options for an alternative access to the site. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – the application be deferred.


(e)        14/00729/FUL – Installation of 1 wind turbine (up to 94 metres in tip height) and associated infrastructure, Land north west of Barlestone Road, Bagworth – Miss Rebecca Meek


It was moved by Councillor O’Shea, seconded by Councillor Boothby and


RESOLVED – the application be refused for the reasons contained in the officer’s report.


(f)        14/00600/FUL – Demolition of existing public house and erection of 8 dwellings with associated access, The Boot and Shoe, 27A Moore Road, BarwellElmleigh Properties Limited


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that the application be permitted, members were not satisfied that the public house was no longer viable and asked for the item to be deferred for clarification. It was moved by Councillor Moore, seconded by Councillor O’Shea and


RESOLVED – the application be deferred to give officers the opportunity to obtain further information from the applicant in relation to the viability of the public house.


At this juncture, having reached 9.25pm, it was moved by Councillor O’Shea, seconded by Councillor Witherford and


RESOLVED – the meeting be permitted to continue beyond 9.30pm in order to conclude the business to be transacted.


(g)        14/00867/HOU – Extensions and alterations to dwelling, 40 Sketchley Road, Burbage – Mr Ian Cooper


Some members felt that the proposed extension too large and would adversely impact upon the amenity. It was moved by Councillor Crooks, seconded by Councillor Hall and


RESOLVED – the decision be delegated to officers in consultation with the Ward Councillors following negotiation with the applicant to seek to secure a reduction in the size of the two storey rear extension.


(h)        13/01029/COU – Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for two gypsy families (four caravans, two pitches) with associated parking, hard standing and amenity block, Land to the east of Wallace Drive, Groby – Mr James Connors


Whilst generally in support of the officer’s recommendation, some members felt that pedestrian safety should be included as a reason for refusal. It was moved by Councillor Cartwright, seconded by Councillor Batty and


RESOLVED – the application be refused for the reasons contained in the officer’s report and an additional reason in relation to pedestrian safety.


(Councillor Moore was absent during voting on this item).


(i)         14/00705/OUT – Demolition of existing factory and erection of 13 dwellings (outline – access and layout only), 40 High Street, Earl Shilton – Mr Jason Leech


            It was moved by Councillor Allen, seconded by Councillor Batty and


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report and S106 obligations.


(j)         14/00232/FUL – Erection of a farm house, land off Ratby Lane, Markfield – Mr J Spiby


On the motion of Councillor Boothby, seconded by Councillor Allen, it was


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


(k)        14/00281/FUL – Erection of 14 dwellings with associated car parking, Manchester Hosiery Manufacturing Co Ltd, Queens Road, Hinckley – Evans Bros Ltd


            Attention was drawn to the officer’s report which explained that an appeal against non-determination had been received by the Planning Inspectorate. This meant that the power to determine the planning application was now transferred to the Secretary of State. Officers sought the Committee’s views on whether the council would be minded to support the recommendation to refuse planning permission, so that this could be conveyed to the Planning Inspector. Members expressed disappointment that the applicant had not been willing to discuss amendments to the design of the scheme following the deferral of the planning application at the previous Planning Committee. Members felt that the need for the development and the local support for it were key factors but still recognised the need for improvements to the design of the scheme. It was moved by Councillor Witherford, seconded by Councillor Taylor and


RESOLVED – the Planning Inspectorate be advised that the council be minded to approve the application, subject to S106 obligations and planning conditions, including conditions to secure improvements to the design, boundary treatment, landscaping, waste collection and car parking for the scheme.


(l)         14/00470/FUL – Substitution of plot types and revision from 375 to 374 dwellings, land at Outlands Drive, Hinckley – Mr Kevin Pryor


            On the motion of Councillor Batty, seconded by Councillor Allen, it was


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to conditions and S106 obligations.


(m)      14/00818/FUL – Erection of a gibbon house and landscaped enclosures, Twycross Zoological Park, Burton Road, Norton Juxta TwycrossTwycross Zoo


            It was moved by Councillor Batty, seconded by Councillor Allen and


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to conditions.

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