Agenda item



The Executive Member for Finance gave his budget speech, stating that whilst separate reports, the following seven items all related to the same budget and as such they would be discussed and voted on together. For the purpose of these minutes the discussion and voting are recorded as one, but the resolutions are set out under each separate item.


The Executive Member reminded Council that an amendment to the HRA subsidy buyout recommendation (c) had been tabled which provided for consultation with the Scrutiny Commission / Finance, Audit & Performance Committee before a decision being made by the Executive with the (non-voting) involvement of the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Opposition Group and Chair of Scrutiny Commission.


With regard to Council tax, it was stated that this had again been frozen in line with Government recommendations in response to concerns about the public being under pressure in the current economic climate.


During discussion on the seven reports, the following points were made and questions raised:


  • The importance of ensuring a large part of the income was not being spent to service debt;
  • Support for the amended recommendation on the HRA subsidy buyout;
  • The need to ensure residents were aware of the implications of options for use of the Argents Mead site;
  • Whether the cost of demolition anticipated for the current council offices was still valid;
  • The risk of eroding the Council tax base by maintaining 0% increases and risk that the public will have this expectation for future years;
  • Concern whether the decrease in the budget for Disabled Facilities Grants would lead to increased waiting lists;
  • Whether potential income from the Community Infrastructure Levy had been factored into the budget papers;
  • The timing for a decision on future leisure centre provision bearing in mind the impending end of the current contract and how this would be financed given the lack of capital funding;
  • Where funding for the sustainable urban extensions would come from particularly as the core strategy had identified the cost of development.


Mrs Richards left the meeting at 7.59pm.


In response, the Executive Member for Finance made the following points:


  • In four to five years the leisure centre would require major work costing between £4m and £6m which had to be weighed up against the cost of a new leisure centre for approximately £10m. Initial appraisals would be completed within the next couple of months.
  • The projected costs of demolishing the current council offices had been checked again and were still accurate.
  • There would still be no waiting list for Disabled Facilities Grants.
  • Income from the Community Infrastructure Levy had not been included in the projections as there was no CIL Charging Structure in place at the present time and would not be included until after 2014.
  • Development in the sustainable urban extensions would be funded by the private sector, mostly by the developers. The core strategy had merely identified the infrastructure schedule and showed costs of development but did not indicate an intention for the authority to fund the development. It was agreed that this would be discussed and a response sent to all Members to clarify.


Mr Ladkin left the meeting at 8.29pm.


On reaching the end of discussion and a vote on all seven items, including the amended recommendation regarding the HRA subsidy buyout, Mr Bray along with a further seven Members requested that voting be recorded.


The vote was taken as follows:


Mr Bannister, Mr Bill, Mr Bray, Mr Cartwright, Mr Cope, Mr Crooks, Mr Gould, Mrs Hall, Mr Hall, Mrs Hodgkins, Mr Hulbert, Mr Inman, Mr Lynch, Mr Mullaney, Miss Taylor and Ms Witherford voted FOR the motion (16);


Mr Allen and Mrs Smith voted AGAINST the motion (2);


Mr Batty, Mr Bessant, Mrs Camamile, Mrs Chastney, Mr Lay, Mr Moore, Mr Morrell, Mr O’Shea, Mrs Sprason, Mr Sutton and Mr Ward abstained from voting.


The motions were therefore CARRIED and resolved as recorded under each separate minute below.