Agenda item

18/01237/FUL - Old Leisure Centre, Coventry Road, Hinckley

Application for erection of 17 houses and 89 apartments within two apartment blocks, including the provision of access, open space and associated infrastructure.


‘Late items:’




Adjustments to the contributions for the Section 106 agreement have been made due to the removal of one dwelling from the scheme. Leicestershire County Council (Highways) have also requested an additional Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) along Marchant Road as mitigation.


An amended materials schedule has also been received to clarify where the materials will be on the dwellings.




An additional neighbour letter has been received objecting to the scheme for the following reasons:

-           Loss of the car park

-           Impact upon highway safety (vehicular and pedestrian)

-           Increase in congestion along Coventry Road


A letter of objection has been received from Councillor Bray his comments were incorporated into the Committee Report within Section 5 – Publicity of the Committee Report.




Infrastructure contributions


Play and Open Space

Due to the reduction of on site dwellings from 107 to 106 the play and open space contributions have been adjusted and the overall contributions towards on site maintenance and off site provision and maintenance of open space is £220,870.05. The breakdown of this figure for each typology is shown in the table below:



On site maintenance (10 years)

Off site provision


Off site maintenance (20 years)


Equipped Children’s Play Space





Casual/Informal Play Spaces





Outdoor Sports Provision





Accessibility Natural Green Space








Overall Total




After re-consulting Leicestershire County Council (Education) on the loss of one dwelling they have reviewed the educational need in the area. Reviewing the places available it is concluded that there is a deficit of 30 pupil places within the primary school sector within a 2 mile walking distance which is more of a deficit than when the original contribution was calculated. Therefore a contribution towards the accommodation of capacity issues caused by the proposed development is requested. The amended primary school figure is £101,414.40.


An additional contribution is now being sought for secondary education or post-16 education as it is identified there is now a deficit of places for these educational facilities. There is an overall deficit in this sector after including all schools within a three mile walking distance of the development of 10 pupil places. Therefore a contribution towards the accommodation of capacity issues caused by the proposed development is requested. The contribution is calculated by multiplying the number of deficit places created by the development (3.99) by the DFE cost multiplier (£17,876.17) which equals £71,325.92.

The overall education contribution figure is £172,740.32.


The amended figures are considered necessary and directly related and fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development proposed and therefore meets the CIL tests.



The loss of one dwelling has reduced the contribution to £2,510. The methodology for this figure remains unchanged from the committee report. The amended figure is considered to remain CIL compliant.


Civic Amenity

The loss of one dwelling has reduced the contribution for civic amenities to £5,250. The methodology for this figure remains unchanged from the committee report. The amended figure is considered to remain CIL compliant.



The reduction of one dwelling reduced the potential population, calculated by the NHS, by 2 persons so therefore will not make a significant change to the impact felt by the receiving general practices. Therefore healthcare contributions will still be sought to increase primary care services. Due to the loss of one dwelling this figure has been reduced to £34,007.76. The amended figure is considered to remain CIL compliant.


Impact upon Highway safety


Further to the consultation response and requests from Leicestershire County Council (Highways) reported in the committee report; an additional contribution of £5,000 towards a Traffic Regulation Order is requested by LCC Highways. This additional contribution is requested to ensure the weight restriction from Trinity Vicarage Road is extended to Marchant Road to avoid larger vehicles using the development as a through route. The amended figures are considered necessary and directly related and fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development proposed and therefore meets the CIL tests. This additional contribution is considered necessary and directly related and fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development proposed and therefore meets the CIL tests.


The applicant has been informed of these changes and has confirmed in writing that there are no objections to the new figures and on this basis the site is viable.

Other matters


The applicant has submitted an amended materials schedule, which does not alter the materials identified previously but provides further clarification for all materials for each building. The conditions identifying this schedule need to be updated, however this clarification is considered acceptable and does not alter the assessment of the overall scheme made in the original committee report.


The applicant has confirmed that all pre-commencement conditions are agreed.




Grant planning permission subject to:

·                         The prior completion of a S106 agreement to secure the following obligations:

·         Health - £34,007.76

·         Education - £172,740.32

·         Civic Amenity - £5,250.00

·         Libraries - £2,510.00

·         Highways – £20,000 towards three Traffic Regulation Orders, travel packs for each dwelling, two six month bus passes per dwelling, appointment of travel plan co-ordination and a travel plan monitoring fee of £6,000

·         Town Centre Improvements - £170,000.00

·         Public Open Space - £220,870.05


·                         Planning conditions outlined at the end of this report.


That the Interim Head of Planning be given powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.

That the Interim Head of Planning be given delegated powers to determine the terms of the S106 agreement including trigger points and claw back periods.


Amended Conditions:


2.                         The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted application details, as follows:


-       Swept Path Access and Details (scale 1:250) Drg No: A3907-05E

-       Tree survey Report Rev C

      received by the Local Planning Authority on 28 February 2019.


-       Hinckley Square Proposed Plans, Elevations & Sections (scale 1:100) Drg No: G4D-0003-AA- 000, 001, 100 -103, 200 – 202, 300 Rev A

-       Trinity Houses Proposed Plans, Elevations and Sections (scale 1:100) Drg No: G4D-0003-AB-000, 100 – 104, 200, 201, 300 Rev A

-       2 Bed Semi Proposed Plans, Elevations Plots 1, 2  (scale 1:50) Drg No: G4D-0003-AC-100,200,400,500 Rev A

-       2 Bed Terrace Proposed Plans, Elevations Plots 3, 4, 5 (scale 1:50) Drg No: G4D-0003-AD-100, 101, 102, 103 Rev A

-       3 Bed Type 1 Proposed Plans, Elevations Plots 7, 8, 14, 15 (scale 1:50) Drg No: G4D-0003-AE-100, 200, 400, 500 Rev A

-       3 Bed Semi Type 2 Plots 9, 10 (scale 1:50) Drg No: G4D-0003-AI-100, 200, 400, 500

-       4 Bed Semi Detached Plots 11, 12, 16, 17 (scale 1:50) Drg No: G4D-0003-AG-100, 200, 400, 500 Rev A

-       4 Bed L Shape Proposed Plans, Elevations (scale 1:50) Drg No: G4D-0003-AH-100, 200, 400, 500

-       4 Bed Detached Plot 13 (scale 1:50) Drg No: G4D-0003-AJ-100, 200, 400, 500

-       Bins Storage Location Plan (scale 1:500) Drg No: G4D-0003- A-007 Rev: C

-       Schedule of Accommodation

-       Existing and Proposed Site Section (scale 1:500) Drg No: G4D-0003-A-005 Rev: C

-       Landscape Master Plan (scale 1:250) Drg No: A3907-03D

-       Proposed Hardstanding (scale 1:500) Drg No: G4D-0003-A-006 Rev: C

-       Site Location Plan (scale 1:1250) Drg No: G4D-0003- A-001 Rev: B

      received by the Local Planning Authority on 4 March 2019.


-       Proposed Site Plan (scale 1:500) Drg No: G4D-0003-A-003 Rev: C

-       Proposed Site Ground Level and Parking Plan (scale 1:500) Drg No: G4D-0003-A-004 Rev: C

      received by the Local Planning Authority on 5 March 2019.


-       Proposed Play Area Plan (scale 1:50) Drg No: G4D-0003-A-009 Rev: A

-       Intelligent Glass Switchable Film Technical Guide

-       Boundary Treatments Plan (scale 1:500) Drg No: G4D-0003-A-008 Rev: C

      received by the Local Planning Authority on 8 March 2019.


-       Schedule of Materials Rev B

      received by the Local Planning Authority on 13 March 2019.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in accordance with Policies DM1 and DM10 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (2016).


3.                         The materials to be used on the external elevations of the proposed extension and alteration shall accord with the approved Schedule of Materials received on 13 March 2019.


Reason: To ensure that the development has a satisfactory external appearance in accordance with Policies DM10, DM11 and DM12 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (2016).



Application for erection of 17 houses and 89 apartments within two apartment blocks including provision of access, open space and associated infrastructure.


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that permission be granted subject to a section 106 agreement and conditions, some members felt that the proposed development was out of keeping with the area and the design, scale and density would harm the character of the area contrary to policy DM10 of the SADMP and paragraph 127 of the NPPF. It was moved by Councillor Bill and seconded by Councillor Nichols that the committee be minded to refuse permission. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – the committee be minded to refuse permission and the application be brought back to a future meeting for determination.


Councillors Bray and Hall left the meeting at 7.29pm.

Supporting documents: