Committee details

Planning Committee

Purpose of committee

The Planning Committee undertakes the regulatory and other related functions of the Council as Local Planning Authority and Building Control Authority.


The Planning Committee consists of 17 members. Meetings are generally held every four weeks, on a Tuesday at 6.30pm. Meetings are open to the public although where ‘exempt’ information is discussed, members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting. We have a small public gallery which will be available on a first-come-first-served basis. We also endeavour to livestream the meetings on YouTube. Videos will then remain available for six months after the meeting, although the council reserves the right to remove a video if it deems it necessary.


If attending a meeting, you may be visible on the livestream and video. If you do not wish to be visible on camera, please speak to Democratic Services on arrival.


Public speaking at Planning Committee is allowed at the discretion of the chairman. The following is an extract from the council’s constitution which sets out the rules for speaking at Planning Committee:


Part 3c Planning Committee procedure rules


2.         Procedure at the meeting


2.1      The order of the agenda will be arranged or amended to ensure applications with speakers are heard first.


2.2      The chair will announce each application in turn.


2.3      The planning officer will make any introductory comments.


2.4      Registered speakers will have the opportunity to address the meeting the objectors will go first, followed by those speaking on behalf of the applicant. Five minutes will be allowed for objectors and five minutes for those speaking on behalf of the applicant.


2.5      The relevant ward member will be allowed to speak for five minutes.


2.6      The Executive member for development management matters will be allowed to speak for no more than two minutes each on an application. The chair may exceptionally allow the Executive member to speak for up to five minutes where the chair considers the application to be of major significance.


2.7      The Member of Parliament and County Councillor may speak on matters affecting their constituency or division for a maximum of two minutes.


2.8      A representative of the relevant parish council may speak for a maximum of two minutes.


2.9      The planning officer will have the opportunity to respond to the comments made by the speakers.


2.10    The committee will then consider the application and ask any questions of officers.


2.11    The planning officer and/or solicitor will be allowed to make any concluding points.


2.12    The committee will vote on any proposition or amendment which has been moved and seconded.


2.13    When a decision is likely to be taken contrary to an officer’s recommendation (either for approval or refusal) the Head of Planning & Development, Planning Manager (Development Management) or Principal Planning Officer may request a recorded vote. If that vote results in a contrary decision, the committee’s reasons shall be minuted. The Head of Planning & Development, Planning Manager (Development Management), Principal Planning Officer and/or the Legal Services Manager (or their nominee) shall also be given the opportunity to explain the possible implications of a contrary decision.


2.14    If a decision on an application is deferred, there will be no opportunity for members of the public, parish or county councillors to speak unless the application is considered by the Head of Planning in consultation with the chair to have been the subject of subsequent, significant amendment.


3.         Speaking by the public on planning applications


3.1       Public speaking is allowed at the discretion of the chair. The chair’s decision is final.


3.2       Objectors and the applicant (or those speaking on behalf of the applicant) may speak at Planning Committee except on those applications where

·         another body directs refusal

·         the borough council is a consultee only.


3.3         Speaking at meetings of the Planning Committee is limited to:


An objector to a planning application where:

·         The objector has made a written comment on the application

·         The grounds of objection raise material planning considerations

·         The objector has given the required notice of a wish to speak.


An applicant(s), or agent(s) appointed to act on their behalf.


Objectors will have five minutes to speak. Where more than one objector wishes to address the meeting, Democratic Services will put the objectors in touch with each other so they may agree how they will share the time allowed. The objectors should inform Democratic Services of the agreement they have reached. If no agreement is reached, the first person who made the request shall speak.


Applicants may also share the five minutes as they see fit.


3.4       Speaking will be allowed only if the planning application is one which is reported to a meeting of the Planning Committee for them to determine, on the basis that it is not delegated for decision at officer level.


3.5       Anyone wishing to speak will need to contact Democratic Services by email, telephone or in writing no later than 4.00pm on the Thursday before the meeting.


3.6       No written submissions, photos, presentations or other material will be accepted from speakers at the meeting.


3.7       Applications will not be deferred because of the absence of an applicant or objector, or other person, who has indicated a wish to speak.


For further information or to register to speak, please contact Democratic Services on 01455 255834 or email


Contact information

Support officer: Rebecca Owen. Democratic Services Manager Email:

Phone: 01455255879
