Issue - decisions

21/01147/OUT - Land off Wood Lane, Higham on the Hill

26/01/2022 - 21/01147/OUT - Land off Wood Lane, Higham on the Hill

Application for residential development for up to 61 dwellings, including a shop, open space, new access and associated works.


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that permission be granted, it was moved by Councillor Allen and seconded by Councillor Boothby that permission be refused due to the proposal being outside of the settlement boundary and therefore contrary to policy DM4 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies development plan document (2016). Upon being put to the vote, the motion was LOST.


Councillor Cartwright requested that, if members were minded to grant permission, the S106 agreement should include a requirement to market the shop for a period of 24 months. It was subsequently moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Cartwright and




(i)            Permission be granted subject to:


(a)  The completion within 6 months of this resolution a S106 agreement to secure the following obligations:


·      Affordable housing at 40% with a split of 75% as social/affordable rented and 25% as intermediate tenure (shared ownership)

·      Location connection requirement for the affordable housing for rent and cascade mechanism

·      Maximum of 100 square metres of shop floorspace (Use Class Ea)

·      Marketing Strategy for the shop (Use Class Ea)

·      On-site open space requirement of 1,330sqm informal/casual play space and a 20 year maintenance cost (minimum of £14,364.00)

·      Off-site equipped open space contribution of £39,951.83 towards HIG04 and a 10 year maintenance cost (minimum of £19,280.88)

·      Off-site outdoor sports provision contribution of £21,198.72 towards site HIG04 and 10 year maintenance of £10,072.32

·      On-site accessibility natural green space requirement of 2,440sqm  along with a 20 year maintenance cost (minimum of £34,648.00)

·      Civic Amenity contribution of £3,021 towards Barwell Household Waste Recycling Centre

·      Library services contribution of £1,850.00 towards provision of additional resources at Hinckley Library, Lancaster Road, Hinckley

·      Education contribution of £556,918.51 to be used to accommodate the capacity issues created by the proposed development by improving, remodelling or enhancing existing facilities at Higham-on-the-Hill Church of England Primary School (£335,914.80), Redmoor Academy (£182,156.44) and Hinckley Academy and John Cleveland Sixth From Centre (£38,847.27)

·      NHS Health care contribution (£30,885.06)

·      Travel Packs (1 per dwelling)

·      6 month travel passes (2 per dwelling)

·      Raised kerb provision at the nearest two bus stops (ID's 2032 & 2035) at a cost of £3,500.00 per stop (total of £7,000.00).


(b)  Planning conditions outlined in the officer’s report


(ii)          The Planning Manager be granted powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions;


(iii)         The Planning Manager be granted delegated powers to determine the terms of the S106 agreement including trigger points and claw back periods based on the terms agreed by the planning committee.