Issue - decisions

Mallory Park

04/06/2014 - Mallory Park - Noise Control

Members were updated on discussions held regarding Mallory Park race track since the meeting of the Executive on 16 April 2014 and were informed of the proposed Notices that may be applied for 2014 and 2015 and after. It was reported that meetings had been held with different groups of residents and with the track operators, RML, in order to find an acceptable solution for all parties.


With reference to section 5.3a) in appendix A to the report, the Chief Executive clarified that only the phrase contained within the apostrophes was quoted by the Ombudsman, not the entire sentence. This had been queried by some who had read the report.


In response to a member’s question, it was explained that there were a variety of notices and other controls in place at other UK tracks, but that Mallory Park was a ‘special’ case as it was in such close proximity to the village


Members were reminded that RML had only been in operation a few months and that they should be given the opportunity to put their own improvements in place which may further assist the situation, whilst working to the proposed Notice in 2014. To this end, it was proposed by Councillor Gould, seconded by Councillor Lynch, and agreed that recommendations b) and d) be amended to read:


“b)        agrees the proposed Notice for the remainder of this calendar year (2014) and that it be served in a timely manner to provide clarity around what noise levels are acceptable for this year, and to ensure that we are complicit with the recommendations provided by the Local Government Ombudsman;


d)         agrees the outline terms of a Notice for 2015 and after, including the requirement of an annual review before the end of each racing season, and that further discussion takes place with the purpose of it being finalised at our meeting on 17 September of this year.”


It was noted that in discussing the Notice for 2015 and after in September, RML would have settled in and had the opportunity to put their own improvements in place and to build relationships with residents. Likewise, residents would have had the opportunity to establish whether RML were committed to maintaining the agreements. In relation to the noise assessment discussed on page 63 of the agenda, it was acknowledged that if not received by the end of May, action would be taken.


On the motion of Councillor Gould, seconded by Councillor Lynch, it was




(i)         the principles of a Statutory Notice as set out in section 4.4 of the report be endorsed;


(ii)        the proposed notice for the remainder of 2014, served in a timely manner to provide clarity around what noise levels are acceptable for this year and to ensure compliance with the recommendations of the Local Government Ombudsman, be agreed;


(iii)       the conditions and timescales to be met if a revised notice is issued for 2015 be agreed;


(iv)       the outline terms of a notice for 2015 and after, including the requirement of an annual review before the end of each racing season, be agreed and that further discussion take place with the purpose of it being finalised at our meeting on 17 September of this year;


(v)        the request for an additional payment to one of the complainants be refused.