Issue - decisions

Hinckley Squash & Rackets Club

02/09/2014 - Hinckley Squash & Rackets Club

Council was informed of the position regarding Hinckley Squash and Rackets Club and the proposal to facilitate the delivery of the new Squash Club. In response to concerns from some members, it was confirmed that the viability of the club had been assured, the courts would be available for booking by the public, and independent advice had been sought on the proposal.


It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Bray, and




(i)         the positive progress made in securing the opportunity of a new site and premises for Hinckley Squash and Rackets Club be endorsed;


(ii)        the procurement arrangements set out in the report to facilitate the delivery of the new Squash Club be approved and the legal agreements required be highlighted;


(iii)       in accordance with paragraph 1.4 of the Contract Procedure Rules, the waiving of the application of all of the Contract Procedure Rules to the contract and any sub-contract or other agreement to be entered into in relation to the proposals contained within the report;


(iv)       the following supplementary budgets be approved:


(a)        a capital budget of £998,338 + VAT + £2,380 SDLT for the capital costs of the work;


(b)        an income budget of £1,026,104 to represent the funding to be received for the capital works;


(c)        re-designation of the current expenditure budget of £49,000 which was to be awarded to the Squash Club but is no longer required, be set aside to meet any potential SDLT liability arising on the Squash Club.


(v)        the saving of £51,885 after legal and VAT advice costs be noted;


(vi)       the retention of the £51,885 saving in a reserve ring-fenced to meet any SDLT liability that may be incurred by the Hinckley Squash and Rackets Club due to the grant of the long lease, be approved;


(vii)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Finance to approve the final legal agreements subject to the community use of the facility being secured within the documentation and the financial implications being within the budgeted cost set out in the report;


(viii)     the purchase of the freehold of the land at Tungsten Park be approved and, should the Squash Club wish for it, the granting of an option to purchase for a nominal sum to HSRC in the lease agreement at the end of the 125 year lease, be agreed.