Issue - decisions

Petition - Campaign for public toilets for Earl Shilton

02/09/2014 - Petition - Campaign for public toilets for Earl Shilton

Members received a report presenting a petition with 334 verified signatures which called for a new public toilet facility for Earl Shilton. Members were informed that, in accordance with the Council’s Petitions Scheme and having achieved the required number of signatures, the merits of the Petition must now be debated by Council in order to decide whether the matter should proceed to the next stage and a full report should be requested.


During discussion, it was suggested that in preparing the full report and financial implications, other groups be included in discussions including the ward councillors and Town Council. A task & finish group was also suggested.


In concluding the debate, it was requested that the Petitions Scheme be reviewed as the procedure for bringing a report on the requested action seemed long-winded.


It was moved by Councillor Witherford, seconded by Councillor Bray and




(i)         a meeting be convened between officers from the Asset Management team, ward councillors and the Town Council:


(ii)        a full report on the requested action be brought to the next ordinary meeting;


(iii)       in light of the relaxing of the regulations since the adoption of the scheme, the Petitions Scheme be reviewed.