Further to discussion on the financial reports (minute * refers), it was moved by Councillor Lynch and seconded by Councillor Bray that the recommendations contained within the Council Tax setting report be approved. In accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, voting on this item was recorded and taken as follows:
Councillors Bill, Bray, Cartwright, Cope, Crooks, Gould, Mrs Hall, Mr Hall, Hodgkins, Hulbert, Inman, Lynch, Mayne, Moore, Mullaney, Nichols and Witherford voted FOR the motion (17);
Councillors Allen, Boothby, Camamile, Ladkin, Morrell, O’Shea, Sprason, Sutton and Ward abstained from voting.
The motion was therefore declared CARRIED and it was
RESOLVED – in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992:
(i) A budget requirement excluding Special Expenses and Parish Councils of £9,668,339 be approved;
(ii) A budget requirement including Special Expenses of £10,242,560 be approved;
(iii) A total net budget requirement including Special Expenses and Parish Councils of £11,777,999 be approved;
(iv) A contribution from Revenue Support Grant (including the element indicated for Local Council Tax Support) and Non Domestic Rates (indicated by the NNDR baseline) of £3,959,742 be approved;
(v) A forecast transfer of £86,971 surplus from the Collection Fund to the General Fund be approved;
(vi) A Band D Council Tax for Borough wide services, excluding Special Expenses and Parish Council precepts of £95.96 (the same level as the previous five years) be approved;
(vii) A Band D Council Tax for Borough wide services and an average of Special Expenses Services of £112.09 be approved;
(viii) An average Band D Council Tax relating to Borough wide services and an average of Special Expenses and Parish Council services of £155.22; be approved;
(ix) The total Council Tax, including amounts for the County Council, Police and Crime Commissioner and Combined Fire Authority and for each valuation band as detailed at appendix A to the report be approved.