Issue - decisions

Anti Social Behaviour legislation

09/04/2015 - Anti Social Behaviour legislation

Council was informed of the new Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) powers, the Community Trigger and Endeavour. During discussion reference was made to the lack of resources within the Police, the increased perception of anti social behaviour and the excellent work of Endeavour. It was moved by Councillor Bill, seconded by Councillor Witherford and




(i)            The provisions of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 be noted and powers be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction) and authorised officers to take action under Part 4 of that Act;


(ii)           The ASB policy be approved;


(iii)          The Community Trigger detailed in the report be noted;


(iv)         The work of the Endeavour team in tackling a wide range of Community Protection issues and improving public confidence be noted and commended.