Council was updated on actions following the decision of the previous meeting to consult on the options for the future provision of green waste collection. It was reported that an increase in planning income had meant that the financial gap as a result of the County Council’s withdrawal of recycling credits could be met from balances.
Some members ask if the planning income may be required to support enforcement and appeals, and in response it was noted that this was continually under review. It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Bill and unanimously
(i) The removal of the need for consultation on charging for green waste due to having identified additional income be agreed;
(ii) A transfer of £350,000 from General Fund balances to the Waste Management Reserve in 2014/15 be approved;
(iii) A transfer of £350,000 from the Waste Management Reserve in 2015/16 to fund the forecast budget pressure arising from the withdrawal of green waste recycling credits be approved;
(iv) It be noted that the transfer can only occur because of one-off savings arising in year as a result of large planning applications and savings in the production of the Area Action Plan and a longer term solution must be sought to fund this budget gap from 2016/17.
Council was advised of the reduction in funding from Leicestershire County Council in relation to recycling credits for green waste collections from 2015/16. Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Taylor, moved an additional recommendation that the Scrutiny Commission be asked to consider the detailed questions at its next meeting, which was accepted without debate. It was agreed that the following points would be incorporated into the discussion at the Scrutiny Commission meeting:
· Whether the Borough Council could take on the responsibility of the Waste Disposal Authority
· Provision within the consultation to gauge the views of the elderly
· The possibility of discounts for those in receipt of benefits
· The options with regard to additional bins.
It was moved by Councillor Crooks, seconded by Councillor Bray and
(i) Council agrees to a consultation on the introduction of charges for green waste collections from 2015/16;
(ii) The Scrutiny Commission be asked to consider the detailed questions at its next meeting on 13 November, along with any longer-term implications, and review the response prior to any final recommendations to Council.