Issue - decisions

Senior Management Reorganisation

09/04/2015 - Corporate Direction Structure

A report was presented to members, which introduced a restructure of the operational management within Corporate Services. Members generally supported the principle of the proposals, but raised minor concerns regarding the extra burden upon other officers due to the loss of expertise following the departure of the Chief Officer (Corporate Governance & Customer Engagement) and the need for the new post to be subject to a three month probation period. It was moved by Councillor Witherford, seconded by Councillor Bray and unanimously




(i)            The principles and objectives of the restructure be supported;


(ii)           The continuation of the existing arrangement of two Chief Officers being accountable to the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) be noted;


(iii)          The decisions on the final details of the structure, job descriptions and gradings be delegated to the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction);


(iv)         The appointment be made to the vacant post in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution.