Issue - decisions

Building Control Fees

15/06/2016 - Building Control Fees

Following delegation of the final decision by Council, a revised scheme of charges in relation to Building Regulations applications, be approved.

21/04/2016 - Building Control Fees & Charges

Consideration was given to a report on the setting of building control fees for 2016-17. The Leader advised that, in moving the report, he was proposing an amendment to the recommendation in that the setting of fees be delegated to the Executive members for Planning and for Finance, ICT & Asset Management in conjunction with the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction) and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction). It was noted that, from 2017/18, the building control fees would be presented to Council as part of the Scale of Fees & Charges.


It was noted that 70% of building control work was brought to the Council over external providers and that the proposed charges remained competitive. It was moved by Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Ward and


RESOLVED – Authority be delegated to the Executive member for Planning and the Executive member for Finance, ICT & Asset Management in conjunction with the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction) and the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) to set fees for chargeable building control work for the year to 31 March 2017.