Issue - decisions

Environmental enforcement policy and procedures

10/02/2017 - Environmental enforcement policy and procedures

Members were advised of the updated enforcement policy and procedures for the Clean Neighbourhoods team. During discussion and in response to questions, the following points were made:


·         20 people had responded to the consultation, and all responses had been supportive of the updated policy

·         The public space protection order signs would be erected over the following week

·         Work was undertaken with schools but officers hoped to expand this. The work was mostly with primary schools as their curriculum could accommodate this.


RESOLVED – the report be endorsed and the Executive be RECOMMENDED to approve the updated policy.

23/12/2016 - Environmental enforcement policy and procedures

Members gave consideration to the updated Environmental Enforcement policy & procedures. It was moved by Councillor Nickerson, seconded by Councillor Ladkin and


RESOLVED – the updated policy and procedures be approved.