Issue - decisions

Growth Plan - HEDNA

24/02/2017 - The housing and economic development needs study and stage 2 - Leicester and Leicestershire joint statement of cooperation

Members were briefed on the findings of the completed Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) and the implications for Hinckley & Bosworth and on the Leicester and Leicestershire joint statement of cooperation, which outlined how the local authorities would work together.


It was explained that most districts, including Hinckley & Bosworth, had capacity for future growth, whereas Leicester City and Oadby & Wigston had little capacity and therefore their need may have to be met outside of those areas. A member suggested this was unfair on the other districts which were continuing to receive a large amount of development. The importance of consultation with members and the public, should this be necessary, was highlighted.


Concern was expressed in relation to infrastructure capacity to cope with the growth, and in response it was confirmed that all agencies were maintaining communication in relation to this and were trying to achieve infrastructure up front to support growth. It was noted that a bid for Government funding for infrastructure support was available. The impact on the health, fire and police services was also highlighted.


It was noted that this evidence base would inform the development of growth plans for the county and officers would be facilitating engagement with members and the public at various stages of local growth and development plans in accordance with the Local Development Scheme agreed by Council in January 2017.


RESOLVED – the report be noted.