Issue - decisions

16/00885/FUL - 83 - 103 Church Street, Burbage

01/02/2017 - 16/00885/FUL - 83 - 103 Church Street, Burbage

Application for change of use of part of existing retail unit to either a retail unit (A1) or hot food takeaway (A5). Change of use of office (B1) and dance studio (D2) to residential (C3) to form 5 flats. Demolition of part of outbuilding to rear and erection of a two storey side extension.


It was moved by Councillor Sutton and seconded by Councillor Ladkin that permission be granted.


Councillor Wright, along with two other members, requested that voting on this motion be recorded. The vote was subsequently taken as follows:


Councillors Cook, Kirby, Ladkin, Morrell, Roberts, Smith, Surtees, Sutton and Ward voted FOR the motion (9);


Councillors Bill, Crooks, Hodgkins, Hollick and Wright voted AGAINST the motion (5);


Councillors Cope and Witherford abstained from voting.


The motion was therefore declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.