Issue details

23/00667/FUL - The Old Rectory, 8 Rectory Lane, Market Bosworth

Change of use of The Old Rectory from a dwellinghouse (Class C3) to a Specialist Education Needs (SEN) School (Class F1), erection of two single storey classrooms, a Multi-Use Gaming Area (MUGA), revised parking layout with electric charging points, widening of access, replacement perimeter fencing and external
landscaping, works to trees and other works.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Cadeby, Carlton & Market Bosworth with Shackerstone;

Decision due: 12 Dec 2023 by Planning Committee

Lead member: Executive member for Planning

Lead director: Director (Community & Development Services)

Department: Development Management

Contact: Sullevan Archer Email:

Agenda items