Issue - meetings

18/01038/REM - Former Highway Land, Leicester Road, Groby

Meeting: 19/02/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 387)

387 18/01038/REM - Former Highway Land, Leicester Road, Groby pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Application for approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) of outline planning permission 15/00767/OUT for residential development of 30 dwellings.


Late items:




An amended site layout plan has been received, which included some garden details to Plot 11, in the form of one step to the front of the property and two to the rear garden.


The applicant has also provided additional plans, one which provides a solar analysis of proposed plots 1 and 2 in respect properties to the north within Bluebell Drive and Daisy Close. Further landscaping proposals which identifies the proposed boundary treatments to serve the development has also been provided.




Six additional letters have been received since the publishing of the committee item. Raising the following new matters:-


    1)        Agree with all of the objections; No.s 1-23

    2)        No details of the proposed development were posted at the site itself

    3)        Should think about how they are going to offset the carbon footprint when cutting down the trees and taking up vital co2 absorbing shrubbery which protects residents from the A50 pollution and noise




Lead local Flood Authority, no objection


Leicestershire Police Designing out crime Officer, No objections subject to comments relating to designing out crime principles.




Designing out crime


Leicestershire Police have commented on the layout of the proposed development, and have no objections to the principle of the development. They have however identified that there are areas where in curtilage parking is not achieved. Due to the size and constraints of the site, in curtilage parking has been provided where it can be achieved, however through the site natural surveillance has been increased to ensure all public areas are over looked.


The use of secure boundaries would be achieved through the submission of a landscaping scheme where both hard and soft boundary treatment will be appropriately considered and secured.


The proposed development is accessed via a single point from Leicester Road, with a single roadway proposed, with no through route, and therefore there are no permeability issues. A request for CCTV by Leicestershire Police at the access point to allow number plate images to be obtained to deter unauthorised vehicles entering the application point, and clear field vision through out the development and the maximisation of active street frontages to aid deterrent of crime and help evidence gathering. However given the scale of the development and taking into consideration the layout in that the site is limited in terms of the single point of access where natural surveillance within the street scene has been secured through the design, it would not be reasonable to ensure this is provided by the developer in this instance. The Police have also requested an opportunity to explore the potential for S106 funding, however this is a reserved matters scheme and all Section 106 obligations were secured at outline under application 15/00767/OUT, at the time the Police did not request any obligations.


Impact upon neighbouring amenity


The application has been supported with the  ...  view the full agenda text for item 387


Application for approval of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) of outline planning permission 15/00767/OUT for residential development of 30 dwellings.


It was moved by Councillor Ladkin, seconded by Councillor Morrell and




(i)            Reserved matters be approved subject to the conditions in the officer’s report and late items;


(ii)           The Interim Head of Planning be granted delegated powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.


Councillor Hollick was absent during voting on the motion.