Forthcoming Decisions

Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Forthcoming Decisions

05/03/2024 - Complaint 2023/23 ref: 901    Item Deferred

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 05/03/2024 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 12/03/2024

Effective from: 05/03/2024

20/01/2021 - Complaint 2020/03 ref: 839    Information Only

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 20/01/2021 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 26/01/2021

Effective from: 20/01/2021

17/12/2020 - Complaints 2020/20, 21 & 22 ref: 837    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 17/12/2020 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 21/12/2020

Effective from: 17/12/2020

12/01/2018 - Complaint 2017-07 ref: 755    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 12/01/2018 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 18/01/2018

Effective from: 12/01/2018

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

12/01/2018 - Complaint 2017-06 ref: 754    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 12/01/2018 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 18/01/2018

Effective from: 12/01/2018


Members gave consideration to the report of the independent investigator in relation to a complaint about Councillor Chris Boothby which had been referred for a hearing by the Ethical Governance & Personnel Committee on 29 November 2017.


The committee was informed that the subject member had indicated he would not be in attendance at the meeting and they agreed to continue in his absence as it was highly unlikely, given comments he had made, that he would attend at a later date should they decide to adjourn.


The investigator, Mr Maxey, was in attendance and presented his findings. He outlined the allegations that, on 6 June 2017, there was an exchange between Councillor Boothby and the complainant concerning where the complainant had parked their car. Mr Maxey referred to the three allegations within the complaint:


(i)    That, in challenging the complainant’s parking, Councillor Boothby breached the requirement in Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council’s code of conduct for Members in that he failed to ‘strive to create respectful and courteous relationships with everyone you come into contact with as a Member’ (paragraph 1(b)) and the Nolan Principles (paragraph 1(a) and appendix 1 of the code);

(ii)   That Councillor Boothby challenged the complainant’s entitlement to a blue badge, in breach of the same provisions of the code;

(iii)  That the manner in which Councillor Boothby spoke to the complainant breached the same provisions of the code.


The investigator had found that, on the balance of probabilities, there had been a breach of (i) and (ii) above but that, due to it being a case of the complainant’s word against the subject member’s, on the balance of probabilities there had not been a breach of the code of conduct in relation to point (iii) above.


The investigator explained that Councillor Boothby had felt that he had a role to challenge the complainant as part of his role as Executive member for Housing & Community Safety, whereas he had no more responsibility to do so than any other member of the public. He also explained that the issue for discussion was not whether the complainant had parked in an inconvenient or obstructive manner, but about how Councillor Boothby had treated the complainant and how he had challenged the complainant’s use of and entitlement to a blue badge.


Members then asked questions of Mr Maxey in relation to the details of the case to ascertain the relevant facts. This part of the hearing concluded at 10:45am and Mr Maxey left the meeting.


Members then considered the information they had received and the options available to them.


In reaching a decision, members referred to the following:


·         Agreement with the investigator’s report that Councillor Boothby had breached the code of conduct in relation to two elements

·         Agreement with the investigator’s report that Councillor Boothby had not, on the balance of probability, breached the code of conduct in relation to the third element of the allegation

·         The disappointing fact that Councillor Boothby had not attended the meeting to make representations

·         The contempt for the committee and standards process evidently held by Councillor Boothby being at odds with his membership of that very body

·         The poor reflection of Councillor Boothby’s behaviour on other members of the Council and the Council as a whole.


The options were discussed and it was moved by Councillor Camamile and seconded by Councillors Cook and Witherford that Councillor Boothby had breached the code of conduct and the following sanctions should be imposed:


1.            Issue a formal letter to Councillor Boothby setting out the breach of the code which had been identified

2.            Censure the member by issuing a public statement

3.            Make recommendations to Council to remove Councillor Boothby from positions on council bodies and outside bodies for the remainder of the current term of office (to May 2019), including precluding him from substituting at meetings

4.            Recommend training for Councillor Boothby

5.            Require Councillor Boothby to issue an apology to the complainant.


Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was unanimously




(i)            Councillor Boothby had breached the code of conduct by failing to comply with the requirement to “strive to create respectful and courteous relationships with everyone you come into contact with as a member” when he:


a.    Challenged the complainant’s parking

b.    Challenged the complainant’s entitlement to a blue badge.


(ii)           The following sanctions be actioned:


1.    A formal letter be issued to Councillor Boothby setting out the breach of the code identified;

2.    A formal statement be issued by the committee on behalf of the Council;

3.    Council be RECOMMENDED to remove Councillor Boothby from his positions on council bodies and outside bodies for the remainder of the current term of office (to May 2019), including precluding him from substituting at meetings;

4.    Appropriate training be provided for Councillor Boothby;

5.    Councillor Boothby be required to issue an apology to the complainant.




1.    On the balance of probabilities, Councillor Boothby failed to treat the complainant with respect on 6 June 2017;

2.    The Ethical Governance & Personnel Committee wish to make a statement to the effect that they do not condone this behaviour in light of the poor reflection of Councillor Boothby’s actions on other members and the Council as a whole;

3.    In addition to the embarrassment caused by his actions on 6 June, Councillor Boothby has (in failing to attend this hearing) shown a lack of respect for the committee and the standards process and, as a consequence, the privilege of holding positions on council bodies and outside bodies should be withdrawn. This includes acting as substitute for other members on any council or outside bodies;

4.    This matter clearly caused the complainant upset and embarrassment, in acknowledgement of which an apology should be issued.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

16/08/2017 - Complaint 2017-03 ref: 688    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 16/08/2017 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 12/09/2017

Effective from: 16/08/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

16/08/2017 - Complaint 2017-04 ref: 689    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 16/08/2017 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 16/08/2017

Effective from: 16/08/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

30/03/2017 - Complaint 2017/01&02 - fact finding report ref: 598    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 30/03/2017 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 05/04/2017

Effective from: 30/03/2017

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

30/03/2017 - Complaint 2016/12 - fact finding report ref: 597    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 30/03/2017 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 05/04/2017

Effective from: 30/03/2017

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

30/03/2017 - Complaint 2016/01&02 - investigation report ref: 599    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 30/03/2017 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 05/04/2017

Effective from: 30/03/2017

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

30/03/2017 - Corporate complaints procedure ref: 595    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 30/03/2017 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 05/04/2017

Effective from: 30/03/2017


Members received a report which sought to amend the wording of the corporate complaints procedure to allow for review of a complaint at stage two of the process by an officer senior to or independent from the officer who provided the stage one response. An amendment was necessary following the senior management restructure and also as a result of a report from the Local Government Ombudsman in order to make the process clearer for complainants.


It was moved by Councillor Crooks, seconded by Councillor Morrell and


RESOLVED – the updated corporate complaints procedure be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Rebecca Owen

30/03/2017 - Complaint 2016/11 - fact finding report ref: 596    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 30/03/2017 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 05/04/2017

Effective from: 30/03/2017

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

30/03/2017 - Minutes of previous meeting ref: 594    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 30/03/2017 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 05/04/2017

Effective from: 30/03/2017


It was moved by Councillor Crooks, seconded by Councillor Morrell and


RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2016 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

30/09/2015 - Complaints 2015/16-19 and 22-25 ref: 419    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 30/09/2015 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 30/09/2015

Effective from: 30/09/2015

15/04/2015 - Complaint 2015-07 ref: 379    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 15/04/2015 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 21/04/2015

Effective from: 15/04/2015

17/12/2014 - Complaint 2013/0012 ref: 286    For Determination

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 17/12/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 07/04/2015

Effective from: 17/12/2014

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Kenny

09/07/2014 - Fact Finding Report 2014-0016 ref: 278    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 09/07/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 11/08/2014

Effective from: 09/07/2014

Wards affected: (All Wards);

09/07/2014 - Fact Finding Report 2014-15 ref: 277    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 09/07/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 11/08/2014

Effective from: 09/07/2014

Wards affected: (All Wards);

09/07/2014 - Vicarious Liability Policy ref: 275    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 09/07/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 11/08/2014

Effective from: 09/07/2014


The Committee was presented with the draft Vicarious Liability policy and it was explained that there may be some circumstances where an employer may be held accountable for the acts and/or omissions of those associated with the organisation. In the case of HBBC, this could include actions of employees, contractors or councillors. The introduction of a policy was intended to help protect the council from potential claims by putting a policy and expected standards of behaviour in place.


It was noted that a training package was being put together for officers which would cover the Vicarious Liability, Whistle blowing and Social Media policies. Following discussion, it was suggested that awareness also needed to be raised amongst members and that joint training with officers should be considered.


It was agreed that the request for training would be raised at the Member Development Steering Group to consider as part of the 2014/15 training programme and for the 2015 member induction.


On the motion of Councillor Moore, seconded by Councillor Witherford, it was


RESOLVED – the Vicarious Liability policy be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

09/07/2014 - Matters from which the public may be excluded ref: 276    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 09/07/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 11/08/2014

Effective from: 09/07/2014


On the motion of Councillor Inman seconded by Councillor Moore, it was


RESOLVED – in accordance with section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 10 of Part I of Schedule 12A of that Act.

19/03/2014 - Fact Finding report 2013-14 ref: 237    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 19/03/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 15/04/2014

Effective from: 19/03/2014

19/03/2014 - Matters from which the public may be excluded ref: 234    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 19/03/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 15/04/2014

Effective from: 19/03/2014


On the motion of Councillor Inman seconded by Councillor Mrs Hall, it was


RESOLVED – in accordance with section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 10 of Part I of Schedule 12A of that Act.

19/03/2014 - Corporate Anti Fraud Policy ref: 233    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 19/03/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 15/04/2014

Effective from: 19/03/2014


The Committee was presented with the updated Corporate Anti-Fraud Policy (“The Policy”), which had been refreshed following the Audit Commission’s report “Protecting the Public Purse” in November 2013 and a fraud awareness workshop with officers conducted by the Council’s external auditors.


Members expressed concern that not all groups were represented on the Committee and that the policy should go to the Finance, Audit & Performance Committee for information so all members were aware of the policy. Further general concern was expressed that the unrepresented group was missing the opportunity to comment on important staff and corporate policies. The Chairman agreed to write to the relevant group leader to ask his members to reconsider appointing to the Committee.


On the motion of Councillor Witherford, seconded by Councillor Mrs Hall, it was




(i)         the revised policy be adopted;


(ii)        an invitation be sent to the relevant group leader to re-appoint to the Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee.

19/03/2014 - Minutes of previous meeting ref: 232    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 19/03/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 15/04/2014

Effective from: 19/03/2014


It was noted that there was a superfluous ‘and’ in the first paragraph of minute 322 – line 5. It was agreed that this should be removed then moved by Councillor Mrs Hall, seconded by Councillor Witherford and


RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 18 December be confirmed subject to the above amendment and signed by the Chairman.

19/03/2014 - Investigation report 2013 -10 ref: 235    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 19/03/2014 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 15/04/2014

Effective from: 19/03/2014

25/01/2013 - Complaint 2012/0003 ref: 126    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 25/01/2013 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 07/02/2013

Effective from: 25/01/2013

25/01/2013 - Complaint 2012/0002 ref: 127    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 25/01/2013 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 07/02/2013

Effective from: 25/01/2013

25/01/2013 - Complaint 2012/0001 ref: 128    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Made at meeting: 25/01/2013 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee

Decision published: 07/02/2013

Effective from: 25/01/2013