Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Members received a report which sought approval to vary the Off Street Parking Places Order. During discussion and as a result of reported concern expressed by local residents in relation to on-street parking, a member requested support in asking Leicestershire County Council to bring forward their review into on-street parking.
Some members expressed disappointment in the use of the existing leisure centre site as a new car park, as it was felt that housing was required on the site. Councillor Nichols, seconded by Councillor Lynch, proposed an amendment that this be removed from the proposed variations. In response it was explained that it was only intended as a temporary car park, pending development, and would only be used if deemed necessary (pending recommendations of the Car Parking Working Group). Following further discussion, Councillor Nichols withdrew his amendment.
Further disappointment was expressed in relation to the lack of co-operation from the Co-op in relation to the use of the Co-op car park, and officers assured members that they were keeping in regular contact with the management to attempt to find a solution.
The Car Parking Working Group was discussed and it was confirmed that local businesses were represented on the group. It was requested that ward councillors be kept informed of the position in relation to the town centre car parks.
It was moved by Councillor Ladkin, seconded by Councillor Kirby and
(i) The proposed variation to the Off Street Parking Places (Hinckley and Bosworth) Order 2014 be approved;
(ii) Authority be delegated to the Head of Streetscene Services to publish a notice of proposals in relation to the Off Street Parking Places (Hinckley and Bosworth) Order 2014;
(iii) Subject to no objections being received within the relevant statutory period, authority be delegated to the Head of Streetscene Services to make the Order and to publish the notice of making;
(iv) Where objections are received, a written report be produced detailing the objections and authority be delegated to the Chief Officer (Environmental Health) and the Executive member with responsibility for Car Parks in conjunction with the Legal Services Manager to consider such objections and consider whether the variation order should be confirmed.
Report author: Caroline Roffey
Publication date: 25/02/2016
Date of decision: 18/02/2016
Decided at meeting: 18/02/2016 - Council
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