Venue: De Montfort Suite, Hinckley Hub. View directions
Contact: Rebecca Owen Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Bray and Taylor. |
Minutes of the previous meeting To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2015.
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Hodgkins, seconded by Councillor Witherford and
RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November be confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of interest To receive verbally from Members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the agenda. Minutes: No interests were declared at this stage. |
Report requesting a one-off contribution to sustain the Borough’s VCS Infrastructure. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were asked to consider making a one-off contribution (proportionate to the number of direct beneficiaries within the Hinckley area) of £3,600 to sustain the borough’s Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) Infrastructure Organisation to the end of this financial year.
The Committee acknowledged the valuable work of the VCS and of the Council’s Strategic Community Planning Officer, and was pleased that the Executive had agreed to support the funding request that had previously been requested of this committee of £15,000. Members were pleased to hear that the funding already granted had enabled Next Generation in its capacity as the VCS infrastructure organisation of Hinckley and Bosworth to continue, and had enabled them to put in place arrangements to secure an income stream, to ensure future sustainability.
In relation to the requested funding contribution from Hinckley Area Committee of £3,600, concern was expressed that all residents would already be paying a contribution to the VCS through the borough precept of the council tax via the general fund, and those living in the Hinckley special expenses area would then be paying again via the special expenses area precept, which would be unfair. It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Cope and
RESOLVED – the requested funding be refused. |
Hinckley Community Initiative Fund The recommended allocation of grant funding through the Hinckley Community Initiative Fund is attached. Minutes: The committee gave consideration to a funding request from St Francis Community Centre for new seating. It was noted that there was money available from the Hinckley Community Initiative Fund 2015/16 following the withdrawal of West Leicestershire Mind’s application, although £196 would need to be taken from reserves. Members were reminded that they had, at the previous meeting, agreed to discontinue the Hinckley Community Initiative Fund due to depleting reserves and lack of take up, therefore this would be the final bid for consideration.
It was moved by Councillor Nichols, seconded by Councillor Cope and
RESOLVED – the funding allocation of £980 from the Hinckley Community Initiative Fund be supported. |
Supplementary budget request - Severn Trent Water Charges Members are requested to approve a supplementary budget for Severn Trent Water charges relating to surface water drainage at Richmond Park, Hinckley. Minutes: Members were informed that a surface water charge was being imposed by Severn Trent Water for works to the football pitches at Richmond Park. This charge had been appealed and considered by an independent adjudicator and, whilst adjusted slightly in our favour, payment was now required. The total sum was £28,198, £5,000 of which would be funded from savings on other charges in the same budget, leaving £23,198 to be funded from special expenses reserves.
Whilst acknowledging the need to make the payment, members wished to make the point that the charge was extortionate and it was suggested that Sport England or other relevant body be contacted to warn others of the possibility that, by taking correct action to address an issue in support of the community, they may be penalised by the water authorities. It was moved by Councillor Nichols, seconded by Councillor Bill and
(i) The Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) and the Chief Executive be RECOMMENDED to approve a supplementary budget of £23,198 to be funded from the special expenses reserve;
(ii) The Head of Streetscene Services, in consultation with the Cultural Services Manager, inform the relevant body of this experience. |
Hinckley Area Committee budget 2016/17 The Committee is asked to endorse the proposed revenue budgets and council tax for 2016/17 for the Special Expenses Area of Hinckley and recommend them to Council. Minutes: Members received the revenue budget and council tax for 2016/17 for the special expenses area of Hinckley. During discussion, the following points were noted:
· The increase in parks costs · The reduction in cemetery costs · The increase in fees and charges · The continuation of paying a contribution to car parking · The suggested 71p increase in council tax for the special expenses area in line with the recommended increase in the borough council’s precept · The contribution to Neighbourhood Watch · The loss of the New Homes Bonus to the special expenses budget.
In relation to the contribution to Hinckley town centre car parks, members were reminded that this was agreed a few years previously when the car park charges were reduced to encourage shoppers to Hinckley. A member recalled that the agreement was that the Hinckley Business Improvement District (BID) would contribute the same amount as this committee and it was subsequently noted that the BID had not contributed. Whilst it was suggested that the contribution be withdrawn unless the BID matched it, it was agreed that, in light of the current review of car parking by a working group and the Parking Places Order being drafted for consideration by Council on 18 February, the matter be fully considered during the budget setting for 2017/18.
RESOLVED – the report be noted and a discussion on car parking be given consideration during 2017/18 budget setting. |
Green Space Delivery Plan update An update on the progress of projects detailed within the Green Space Delivery Plan 2014-18 is attached. Minutes: Members were updated on the progress of projects detailed within the Green Space Delivery Plan 2014-18. During discussion, the following points were raised:
· Play & open space in De Montfort Ward: there may be the opportunity for a developer to provide this as part of the redevelopment of sites in this area · Clarendon Park: Discussions were still taking place with a neighbouring business and factory in relation to water flowing into the park · Langdale Road: It was hoped that the projects would be funded by S106 developer contributions · Granville Road: the planned mini ball ‘skills’ court would have low fencing and mini goals for use with small balls · Queens Park: It was suggested that an application could be made to the Environmental Improvement Programme for an additional two heritage lighting columns by Davenport Terrace · Argents Mead: It was noted that, due to safeguarding concerns, the play area would now be sited outside the churchyard boundary rather than next to the leisure centre.
RESOLVED – the report be noted and projects be endorsed. |