Agenda item

Town & Country Planning Act 1990 - applications to be determined

Schedule of planning applications attached.


The following planning applications were set before members for determination and determined as follows.


(a)        13/00255/FUL – Demolition of existing cow shed and erection of outbuilding to be used as annexe, Wykin House Farm, Higham Lane, Wykin – Mr Gary Harrison


On the motion of Councillor Morrell, seconded by Councillor Allen, it was


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


(b)        13/00373/FUL – Erection of a covered cattle yard, Sparkenhoe Farm, Main Road, Upton – Mr & Mrs David Clarke


On the motion of Councillor Ward, seconded by Councillor Bannister, it was


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


(c)        13/00152/DEEM – Demolition of office building and associated outbuildings, grubbing up to foundations, infill and grading of soil and seeding to grass, retention of public access and public car parking, Council Offices, Argents Mead, Hinckley – Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council


Attention was drawn to the amended condition in the late items. Some Members expressed concern about traffic problems from lorries moving concrete from the site and about noise and dust. Councillor Lynch suggested arranging for the ward councillors to meet with the contractor prior to commencement. It was moved by Councillor Mayne, seconded by Councillor Lynch and


RESOLVED – the Development Control Manager be authorised to issue planning permission subject to the conditions contained in the report and subject to the granting of conservation area consent by the Secretary of State pursuant to minute 124(d).


(d)        13/00237/CON – Demolition of office building and associated outbuildings, grubbing up to foundations, infill and grading of soil and seeding to grass, retention of public access and public car parking, Council Offices, Argents Mead, Hinckley – Mr Robert Vaughan


Attention was drawn to the addition condition in the late items. On the motion of Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Allen, it was


RESOLVED – the Development Control Manager be authorised to make an application to the Secretary of State in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 (1519) for conservation area consent.


(e)        13/00532/HOU – Extensions and alterations to dwelling, 4 The Poplars, Earl Shilton – Mr Chris Ladkin


On the motion of Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Witherford, it was


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.

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